Since 1978 when IVF or In Vitro Fertilization was first performed in England, more than five million babies have been born as IVF or "test-tube" babies. Iran has been the prominent country in the middle east and one of the best all over the world since 1988. The country provides IVF with the latest technology and at reasonable prices. Read on to learn more about IVF, its process, and how you can undergo an inexpensive IVF procedure in Iran.
IVF is the procedure of fertilizing the egg outside the womb. The process involves retrieving mature egg (egg retrieval) from the woman's body and manually combining it with a sperm in the laboratory dish. The fertilized egg, commonly called embryo, is then implanted in the uterus. Both the sperm and the egg can be of your own or from a known or anonymous donor. Sometimes, the embryo is placed inside the uterus of another woman who will be called the gestational carrier or a surrogate. IVF is the most effective option for couples who have difficulty conceiving a baby naturally. Various clinics claim to use different techniques, namely natural or minimal IVF. These techniques simply vary depending on the dosage of the stimulator medication prescribed.
A couple of days after your menstruation begins, the physician will use transvaginal ultrasound to examine your ovaries. Also, blood test samples will be taken to check hormone levels.
10-14 days before fertility medication injection, the doctor will put you on contraceptives. Studies suggest that taking birth control pills or a medication called Lupron before stimulating the ovaries may prevent a split cohort of follicles. At this point, another ultrasound and blood test might be performed to ensure that everything is ready.
In order to stimulate the ovaries, the physician will prescribe some fertility medications such as gonadotropin – a medication which triggers the ovaries to produce multiple mature eggs – to stimulate egg production and increase the level of FSH. Retrieving and fertilizing multiple eggs facilitates the procedure and increases pregnancy chance. This could also lead to twin babies.
Starting from the fifth day following the stimulation day, you need to visit the doctor's office every one or two days until the egg retrieval day. This is for the purpose of having your hormone blood levels checked and getting a regular ultrasound of your ovaries. The examinations help with monitoring the development of the ovarian follicles.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), Lupron, or both will be injected to trigger the ovulation. This "trigger shot" is injected normally 8 to 12 days after the fertility medication when the follicles are fully matured. About 36 hours later, it is time for follicle aspiration.
For follicle aspiration, the doctor will ask you to come to the office about an hour earlier than the scheduled follicle aspiration. You are also recommended not to leave the office sooner than 2 hours after the procedure. Sperms from the male partner are obtained on the same day.
The process of fertilizing the egg in a lab involves combining the egg with the sperm solution. In most cases the sperm solution is added to the eggs and fertilized naturally; this method is known as the conventional insemination. If required, some other procedures will be carried out in this stage:
About 3-5 days after follicle aspiration, the embryo is transferred into the uterus through a simple procedure which does not require anesthesia. The patient is required to arrive 30 minutes prior to the procedure and stay in bed 30 minutes afterward.
IVF babies are just like any natural-born babies. The only difference lies in the way they were conceived; as soon as the embryo is implanted inside the uterus, the process is the same as with any naturally fertilized baby. Also, it is unlikely that the baby goes overdue since the due date will be scheduled accurately. All things considered, factors such as the woman's age, her lifestyle, the cause behind fertility, and even the statue of the embryo may affect the procedure. However, under the right circumstances, the risks of IVF are noticeably rare. Some studies indicate that implanting more than one embryo could increase the risks. Moreover, modern techniques such as PGD can be performed as a part of IVF and identify genetic defects within the embryo and guarantee a healthy baby.
The most efficient means of selecting the sex/gender of the baby is called PGD or Preimplantation genetic diagnosis. PGD is a method that gives information regarding the gene make-up of the embryo prior to implanting them inside the uterus. Not only this technique helps with determining the baby's gender but it can also be used to provide information regarding certain genetic diseases or disorders. As a result, by analyzing the embryos under a microscope, the physician can evaluate any chromosome abnormalities and also determine the chromosome X or Y. PGD has a success rate of 95% in gender selection. The process involves:
In Vitro Fertilization is considered as the most effective reproductive assisted technology (ART) with an overall success rate of about 25%. In countries like Iran where modern technology and refined techniques are employed, the number increases up to 35%. Some factors such as obesity or smoking can affect the risk of IVF and its success rate.
IVF procedure is a costly one. Around the globe, IVF is done at approximately $120000. It could end up being far more expensive since additional IVF procedures such as PGD or Assistant hatching will also come with extra prices.
In Iran, however, IVF price starts at only $600! With a more reasonable price, you have less difficulty to pay for medications and monitoring as well as the expense of additional cycles that may be required. Plus, thanks to the accredited doctors and well-equipped clinics, IVF success rates are boosting in Iran.
Not every woman finds IVF shots painful. However, some patients might feel a little discomfort which will go away in a few seconds.
Studies show the chances of a test-tube baby being born with autism is more likely linked to multiple births rather than IVF itself.
With IVF, the exact date of conception is evident. As a result, your accurate due date will be settled beforehand. hospitals will schedule an induction date and there will be no risks with IVF babies going overdue.
Although IVF success rates have improved tremendously in the past three decades, a certain percentage of women will experience negative results. Normally, for women older than 45, it may take more than one cycle to conceive.
IVF is not ethically banned. However, some optional procedures such as PGD or using a donor have been a source of some ethical controversies.
According to Islam scholars, Muslim couples can use IVF when they are unable to conceive otherwise. However, that is on the condition that the treatments do not go outside the bounds of the marriage relationship.