Varicose Veins Treatment
Non-surgical cosmetic treatments

Varicose veins are twisted and sometimes swollen blood vessels that can appear beneath the skin. Approximately, 4 out of every 10 individual have varicose veins. They are most common on legs, chest, and face; but you might find them anywhere else on the body. A number of reasons can contribute to varicose and spider veins: 

  • Jobs that require you to stay in a standing position (e.g.: nurses, teachers)
  • Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, puberty, or menopause
  • Genetics
  • Obesity

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Varicose Vein Treatment in Iran

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What is varicose vein treatment?

Varicose veins are usually invisible and can be left untreated. But as the person ages, the symptoms can get worse. Severe varicose veins might lead to achy legs that can worsen after standing or sitting for a long time. Other symptoms include mild swelling and itching in the legs. 

For some people, treatment for spider veins can provide relief from all the painful symptoms and irritating effects. For others, it gets rid of the unpleasing look caused by the twisting red and purple veins under the skin.          

The size, type, and condition of varicose veins can vary, so can the treatments. While Large and swollen varicose veins can be treated by ligation and stripping surgery, small and less visible spider veins are more likely to be removed by simple sclerotherapy. In a free consultation session with Alomedical healthcare professionals, you can discuss your condition and the available solutions.

Varicose veins treatment options

Ligation and strippingis an invasive surgery involving making incisions on the area of the varicose veins. The surgeon then tries to remove the vein through these incisions (stripping) and then ties the veins to prevent further varicose veins from appearing.

Sclerotherapy is a non-invasive approach for treating spider veins. In this method, a solution is injected into the varicose veins to damage the lining inside the vessel. As a result, the vein is closed and disappeared. The end result might take something between three to six months to show up.

Laser treatment uses laser energy to destroy the varicose veins in a method called ablation. The laser beam can be administrated in two ways; either on the external side of the skin to treat small varicose veins close to the skin or using a laser fiber to perform laser therapy from inside the vein in endovenous laser therapy.

Radiofrequency ablation This method uses radiofrequency energy that is emitted through a narrow tube inside the vein. This heats up the vein causing it to be sealed shut and destroyed.

Phlebectomy is a mini-surgical operation which involves making small incisions over the varicose veins. Then, the surgeon uses a hook to pull out the veins or an instrument to suction its fragments.

Who is a good candidate for spider vein treatment?

In your initial consultation with a dermatologist or Alomedical healthcare professional, you can decide whether you are a candidate of varicose vein treatment. The eligibility of a spider vein treatment candidate can be determined based on the individual's condition. 

Generally, you may not undergo a varicose vein treatment if you have a history of blood clots. Also, pregnant women are not considered appropriate candidates for the procedure.

You may be a good candidate for varicose vein treatment if you 

  • Have a family history of varicose veins, venous reflux or venous insufficiency
  • You have visible spider veins on your legs
  • You suffer from leg pain or cramping, itching, swelling, or heavy feeling
  • Your legs pain worsens after sitting or standing for a long time

How much does varicose veins treatment cost in Iran?

The cost of varicose veins treatment varies based on the treatments required. The average cost of spider veins treatment in the world is about $3000. In Iran however, a highly qualified medical team will charge you about $1700 for the most expensive treatments. 

Varicose veins treatment is not entirely covered by insurances. Most insurance companies require you to try other conservative treatments beforehand. On the other hand, insurances only cover symptomatic varicose vein. People who seek spider vein treatment in order to enhance the appearance of their legs have to pay a king's ransom for an effective procedure. As a result, many find medical tourism a more affordable option. In Iran, you will be provided with various treatment alternatives at the most reasonable prices. 

Spider vein treatment recovery and aftercare

Regardless of the technique used to destroy the varicose veins, scarring and discoloration are generally observed after varicose vein treatment. 

For 1 to 3 weeks after the surgery or sclerotherapy, you can expect to have bruised legs. You might also be advised to wear tight bandages or compression stockings during this time.

After surgery, you might have stitches on your legs; these stitches might be dissolvable or be removed within a week or two.

Depending on your specific case, the doctor might recommend some aftercare steps:

  • Limit your activity for several days to reduce bruising
  • Increase your daily walking gradually
  • Avoid strenuous activities such as bicycle riding or jogging for at least 2 weeks.
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Increase your fiber intake to keep a steady bowl movement
  • Take prescribed medications exactly as it was suggested by your doctor.

Varicose veins treatment risks and side effects

The stripping and endovascular surgery are both considered low-risk procedures. There are certain side effect and complications after a varicose vein treatment that can be followed after most surgeries:

  • Infection
  • Pain over the vein
  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Nerve damage
  • Redness or swelling (inflammation) of the vein
  • Blood clots
  • Changes in skin color over the treated vein
  • Burns

Sclerotherapy is a less invasive spider vein treatment. Still, it can lead to some temporary side effects such as hyperpigmentation, swelling, hives or other allergic reaction.


Is varicose vein treatment safe?

All variations of varicose vein treatments are safe and low-risk. Choosing the right medical team can provide you with even more assurance. Get in touch with us for a free consultation. 

Is varicose vein treatment painful?

With sclerotherapy, there might be mild pain and discomfort that can be relieved within a couple of days.

Is sclerotherapy permanent?

Varicose veins can be permanently treated by sclerotherapy. But it cannot prevent new spider veins from occurring. To secure the results, you need to avoid activities that could provoke varicose veins.

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